Feb meetings

Feb meetings![]() Updated meeting information --- please mark these on your calendar: For February 4th and 18th we will be trying out Legacy Chophouse at 17070 Wright Plaza #100 (the old Upstream Brewery location on West Center) The meeting area is on the second floor so when you enter take the stairs and we will be off to the right. An elevator is available if needed. Sharky and I met with the owner Darrel and he is very anxious to accommodate our group...in fact, he is extending happy our prices for us after the 5:00pm cut off time! So mark on your calendars to head to Legacy Chophouse for our next meeting. |
#1 in Membership for 2023-24![]() We received two awards at the District Fusion Conference event on Saturday, October 19th. In recognition for our growth of +5 new members which represents a 29.41% of growth to our club!!! We also received the 2023-24 Rotary Citation for setting and meeting at least 13 of the goals including membership, giving, public image and other events. Way to go to let everyone know OMAHA NIGHT DOES IT RIGHT!!! ![]() |
Results - Taste for the Future![]() Omaha Rotary Night Club presents Taste for the Future - a Wine Tasking benefiting Boys Town Successful Futures program and Envy Volleyball Club.Thursday Oct 3 2024 from 6 to 9 pm at Champions Run.We had an exquisite evening of wine tasting while supporting two great causes. We are in the process of finalizing the final cost of the event, but we definitely achieved and surpassed our fundraising goals! Check back soon for the totals. |
Crosskey Villages Map BoardClub members showed up on June 1 to redo the Map Board at Crosskey Villages Park. We were able to so the sanding and painting, but we ran into a snag. Someone had used the sign for target practice so the plexiglass was unusable. Before: ![]() We are reaching out to find a way to replace it (if you know how, please contact Gretchen) Here's the AFTER picture: thank you to Mark Sanford, Mark Hobson, Dennis Ritter, Jose (Lepe) Lepesuastegui and his daughter and Gretchen Bren who braved the mud and did a much improved board. ![]() Part 2 has been completed! In August, Mark Hobson and Gretchen Bren went out and replaced the plexiglass on the board. It took some finagling, but there is a new clear look to the board. |
Helping a friend - Mimi Rogers![]() ** Update - Mimi Rogers passed away on October 15, 2024. ** We have learned that one of our club's charter members Mimi Rogers-Farkas has ALS. Mimi was a member of our club from 2009 to 2014 and has moved to Texas. There is a go-fund-me page (link) to help her pay for her care. Continue reading for more about Mimi. As Mark Sanford says, "The smile on her face is so Mimi!" If you have anything you'd like to share - we have enabled comments on this page.
Collecting Luggage for Boys Town Successful Futures![]() "Is it better than a trash bag?" Tom Krehbiel spoke at our club about the Boys Town Successful Futures program. This program helps the graduating students getting ready to make that next transition. One thing that struck all of us in the audience is the thought that many of these students pack their belongings to their next phase in life in garbage bags. We all thought - we can do better than that. Please bring suitcases, duffle bags, gym bags or whatever to any of our Rotary meetings or events.
Get more out of your Rotary membership![]() The way to get more out of your Rotary membership is to get involved. A new brochure from Rotary is all about Designing Your Rotary Experience (download it here - or click on the Read More link for some headlines. Talk with other club members and share your interest and ideas. With a small club, we can all take an active role in shaping what our club does and making sure you get the most out of your Rotary Experience. |
Have you invited a friend to join Rotary?![]() If you have someone you think would be a good member in our club, use our online referral form. This will allow us to manage prospective members in one place.
Project Wee Care 2023![]()
Creating a MyRotary account![]() While anyone can access the Rotary International website, members of Rotary are able to learn more detailed information including about your contributions to the Rotary Foundation, information about our club goals, and learn new skills. It all starts with having a login to Rotary International. This is a different login than your Club Runner login. Keep reading for more.
What do you know about Rotary![]() What do you know about Rotary? Why not take a class in the Rotary Learning Center and learn more! First class to try is Rotary Basics. Keep reading for more information.
Membership Information![]() Thank you for wanting to become a member of the Omaha Rotary Night Club! To make it easier to process your membership (and so our secretary can read your handwriting), please fill in the information below or click here. You will then be sent a link to our website where you can make additions or changes to your profile.
To process your application, we need at least your business or personal address, email. phone number and gender. When you log in, please add a picture and your birthdate: while not required, it does help with reporting. |
2022-23 Rotary CitationCongratulations Club! We received the 2022-23 Rotary Citation! Congrats to Club President Dennis Ritter for his leadership during this time. ![]() |
Elmwood Park Map Board![]() Omaha Nights most recent restoration project took the old, outdated map board and made it look almost new again
Corporate Membership Program![]() It is approved! The Rotary Club of Omaha Night Corporate Membership program is launched and is ready to accept members. See the full story for details. You can click here to download the Corporate Membership Application form or contact Darcy for any other details. Full details follow.
Golden Wheel Award Dinner![]() Dana Murray was honored at the Golden Wheel Awards Dinner at the District Conference this year. Congratulations Dana!! |
District Conference![]() This year's Rotary District Conference will be held in Lincoln on March 31st and April 1st.
Project Wee Care![]() Each year our Project Wee Care volunteers have been helping local Millard area families in need. Since 2006 we have been there for over 16,000 of our neighbors when they needed a helping hand by providing needed clothing, food, and personal care items. |
Imagine Rotary Tour SummaryAre you curious about how the Imagine Rotary Tour went for our District? Here is a summary of the tour described by our District Governor, Barbara Bartle
More about NOMA![]() Our club selected the North Omaha Music and Arts Academy as the beneficiary of our first annual "We Give Back" fundraiser for fall 2022. Who is NOMA and what do they do? Keep reading. Couldn't attend our fundraiser? Donate online. |
"Give Back" Fundraiser![]() The "Together, We Give Back" fundraiser is coming together. The date is October 15, from 11 AM to 4 PM at the North Omaha Music & Arts Academy 2510 N 24th St. Proceeds will go to support the North Omaha Music & Arts Academy. Tickets will be $30.00 each. Wine, Beer, and Mexican food provided by JoJo's Diner will be available, as well as silent auction items and super silent auction items. You can sign up now online and buy your tickets before they are sold out. |
7 Dots - 7 Causes![]() Interesting thing about this year's Rotary theme logo, those 7 dots represent the 7 causes that build local and international relationships, improve lives, and create a better world. One of those dots represents September's Rotary focus on education. If you'd like to be reminded of the 7 causes, here's a link: https://www.rotary.org/en/our-causes |
Map Board Cleanup - Roberts Park![]() Another great hands-on project completed with another map board cleanup at Roberts Park. This one had some major damage to the plexiglass, but we figured out that steel wool and headlight restoration stuff actually works. This board is the only one we've seen with lettering on both both sides of it. |
Service Project![]() On Saturday August 20th, we will be meeting 740 N 78th street to refurbish another map board along the Keystone Trail. This should be the 4th and final map board along that trail. Start time is 8:30 and we expect it to take about an hour and a half or so to complete. We are a club of Action and many hands make light work. I hope you can make it.
Map Board - Democracy ParkOur service project on July 23 cleaned up the Metro Centennial Map Board at Democracy Park. It took 7 of us about 2 1/2 hours to complete. For more pictures, head to our Facebook page!
Well Done Omaha Night!![]() Our club received two awards at the District Conference this year. The first one was for hitting our Citation goals. Our club was one of nine that hit their goals out of twenty clubs in our district. The other award was for our level of participation in the Polio Plus Fund contributions. Both of these awards were achieved because of the leadership of Gretchen and the efforts of all of you throughout the year. Congratulations! Lets do it again this year.
July 19 2022This week we will be joined by District Governor Barbara Bartle who will be our featured speaker. I look forward to hearing what she has to say about our upcoming Rotary year and how our club can help make an impact in our community.
Yes, we are meeting July 5th 2022![]() Yes, we will be meeting at Vincenzo's on Tuesday, July 5th. That will be Dennis Ritter's first meeting as club president. Have a safe and happy 4th of July weekend and we'll see you on Tuesday.
5th Tuesday - May 31 2022![]() Our next 5th Tuesday meeting will be to explore Garbo's at Midtown and other nearby businesses. Be sure to sign up yourself and any guests that will be attending with you.
Club Assembly - May 2 2022![]() Help us set our goals for the upcoming Rotary Year and confirm committee chairs. (You never know, if you don't attend, you may be elected to something!)
Weekly program - April 19![]() Our speaker this week is Omaha firefighter Jason Gohr. And yes, he is the son of member Ginny!
Rotary's Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion![]() Are we doing all that we can to make sure our club is welcoming to everyone, treating everyone with dignity and respect and allowing all voices to be heard? That's part of Rotary's commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. We may be a small club, but that means this is even more important that we are aware of all aspects of what this really means. It's not just about the things we can see, but also about the things we can't see. This is a leadership training opportunity - and will benefit not only you as a Rotarian, but will benefit the company you work for. For more details continue reading.
March 29 2022 - 5th Tuesday![]() Join us for another great 5th Tuesday meeting - this time at Clout Coffee, owned by club member Carole Sprunk. Sign up on our website by clicking here. Guests and potential members are welcome to attend!
Weekly Meeting - April 5 2022![]() Our speaker on April 5th will be Art Zygielbaum. Art and his wife Chris were recent dinner guests and I found out that while both of them worked at NASA, Art has an even better story to tell about his family. That's all the teaser your going to get - you'll have to come to hear the rest! Art is a member of Lincoln 14 Rotary and also a Associate Professor Emeritus at UNL.
Welcome Bill Thoms![]() This past week, we welcomed Bill Thoms as an official member of Omaha Night Rotary! Bill transferred to our club for Yuba City Rotary where he was a member from February 2010 to June 2021. He moved to Omaha last fall and is the controller for Lueder Construction. ![]() |
Upcoming Speakers![]() Thanks to Darcy, we have a trio of speakers coming up:
100% Giving Club![]() Your Rotary Club, Omaha Night, continues to do amazing work! We noticed that 100% of your club members gave $100 USD or more to The Rotary Foundation’s Annual Fund last Rotary year. Thank you for your leadership and inspiration to have made this accomplishment possible. We hope you can take a minute to celebrate this achievement during Foundation Month with your fellow Omaha Night members during your next meeting. This dedication and support of our Foundation truly makes Doing Good in the World Possible. Keep up the great work! With our sincerest appreciation and thanks, The Rotary Foundation |
2021 Food Drive![]() The results are in: 2 carloads of food were collected and delivered to the Open Door Mission in Elkhorn and $180 of money was given for the Food Bank of the Heartland two-for-one giving at our Holiday party on December 14th. What a way to make an impact everyone! ![]() Didn't get a chance to attend -- you can still make a donation to the Food Bank for the Heartland and take advantage of a matching gift by Conagra Foundation. Donations must be made before December 31 to be matched. Put Omaha Rotary Night Club as the name of the Tribute Donation and send a email announcement to Gretchen for your donation to count in this fundraiser.
Project Wee Care 2021![]() We're going to help with Project Wee Care again this year. However, due to COVID restrictions, we will be limited to cash donations. At our November 16th meeting, we decided that our members could give $300, and that the club will match that amount for a total of $600. The club has already sent in the check for our total, so we now need you to pay back the club for your donation. Please bring your check to out November 30 social or to the Holiday Party on December 14th. If you can't make the meetings, let Gretchen know the amount you want to give and she'll get it collected from you. UPDATE: Erin Oberhauser's family has matched our $300, for a total of $975 for doing good in our community. This amount will provide gifts for 13 families. |
Ride to End Polio 2021![]() "I think I want to do that" are very powerful words. Gary Bren said those things to his wife and began a journey 2 years ago that will culminate in riding a bicycle over 100 miles in Tucson Arizona and raising money for polio eradication. The Ride to End Polio is one of the official non-profits in the El Tour de Tucson, and has raised more than $60 million to aid in Rotary's fight to end polio. This year's ride will be Saturday, November 20th. Gary will be live-streaming his ride on Facebook, and you can donate using his link to the Raise for Rotary web page. Gary was our speaker at our November 2 meeting. At our meeting, a majority of club members voted to support Gary and his ride with a $1000 donation from our club service fund.
Volunteer at Siena Francis House![]() UPDATED! We cancelled our meeting on October 19th to serve meals at the Siena Francis House from 4:15 PM to 6:15 PM. We had 4 club members and two spouses join us in serving meals. That night we had beautiful weather and that must have brought everyone out: we served over 250 meals during that time. (Normally they serve about 150 to 180.) It was a very rewarding time - pictures are up on Facebook now.
Another Map Board Completed - AksarbenAt our meeting, we decided that trying to do a couple of "Off-Tuesday" service projects would be a good idea - so here's our first one from September 14, 2021 Thank you to Mark Hobson and Darcy Michalek (and her nephew) for re-finishing the Map Board at Aksarben. It took the 4 of us about 2.5 hours to get it all done. It was not nearly as in as bad of shape as Zorinsky was, but this is a high visibility board. We even had two people that said "Thank You" to us while we were working. Here are the before and after pictures:
We still have a lot more of these that can be done - not only by us but by all the clubs. What's next? |
Weekly Meeting - October 5 2021![]() Our speaker tonight is going to talk to us about the Cross Training Center. At the center, they accept anything with a cord, battery, or motor. And through the recycling process, they provide vocational job skills and training to youth and adults who are underserved and under employed. They have 21 job skills that are taught through the process. Find out more about how they are changing lives at our meeting on October 5th.
Weekly Meeting - Sept 21 2021![]() Our speaker Tuesday September 21 is a young woman who attended our social event on August 31 - Molly Hobson Vaida. Molly owns the Landlock Gallery which is a artist market and Makers Shoppe and a lot more. The topic for the meeting tonight will be how public art spaces contribute to city growth and talent retention, access to local art for all and ways that members can support local artist in their community. For more about the Landlock Gallery, visit www.landlockgallery.com
5th Tuesday Aug 31![]() Our 5th Tuesday Social event was a Wine and Beer tasting at the Corkscrew in the Blackstone District on Tuesday, August 31st at 5:30 PM. |
Weekly Meeting - August 17![]() Bill Harvey will be speaking to our club about he has learned to research genealogy and what a difference online DNA registries have made in the process. He has an especially poignant story about our club's Godfather.
Trail Marker Project Update Jul 2021You may remember this video that Club President Gretchen Bren did last year to get clubs in the metro area involved with the Trail Marker Project. Keep reading for a report on an update as given at the District Conference July 2021. |
Zorinsky - Before and After
We had a great time re-doing the sign on June 29th before our social event. It took us about 2 hours to do this amazing transformation! Thank you to all who participated! ![]() Click More to see the FaceBook live video from that night. |
Weekly Meeting Aug 3 2021![]() Our program on August 3rd will our Rotary Theme Year and District Goals presented by our AG Mailani Veney. If you haven't been introduced to Mailani's Aloha style, you are in a for treat!
Weekly Meeting-July 6 2021![]() Ofek Nuriel is a member of the Interact Club Amitim Nahariya (Israel) and will be our speaker at our July 6th meeting. Our club sponsored Ofek's participation in RYLA this year, and he has some great things to say about that. He is also the founder of "Hear My Story" which is an Rotary Interactive quarantine project where young people can speak up for themselves (find them on Facebook:hearmystoryproject).
5thTuesday-June 29 2021![]() Have Fun in the Summertime!Join us for a two-part 5th Tuesday Social. This is the official end of the Rotary year, and it happens to be our Club President's 60th'th Birthday! Join us at 6 PM for a blow out bash at Mark & Kelly's Sanford's. Sign up here. We are combining our social with a Service Project: at 5 PM meet us at the map board at Lake Zorinsky to refinish the board and make it look better. Sign up for the service project here - this page also has additional information on what tools are needed - besides elbow grease.
RYLA 2021![]() Our club will be sponsoring Ofek Nuriel from Israel to attend District 5650 RYLA 2021. Ofek will be the presenter on June 5th at 10 AM as well as attending the sessions. (See more for calendar). All Rotarians are invited to join in the fun for RYLA since it will be done via Zoom on Saturday mornings from May 1 to June 12. You do not have to attend all the sessions, but you do have to register by April 23 to receive the link. Follow the group on Instagram at #RYLA5650.
Weekly Program - March 2 2021![]() Movement is Medicine - that is our topic from our speaker Dalton Sealey, who is a local chiropractor. He believes that you should be able to get out of pain while still allowing you to do the activities that you love. If you've had questions about chriopractics or just want to get a few extra tips that will help out your golf game, join us this week. PS Dalton is also related to one of our members - can you guess who?
Weekly Program - March 16![]() Our speaker for March 16th will be Sarah Walz, who is a Member Engagement Consultant at LinkedIn. Appropriately, her LinkedIn tag line says "Passionate about setting members up for success." Find out more about what you can do with LinkedIn at our meeting on March 16th. (PS - Sarah is related to one of our members - can you figure out who?)
Welcome Back!![]() We will be doing hybrid meetings - that is both meeting in person at Vincenzo's for those who are comfortable, and online - for those that aren't comfortable yet with face-to-face meetings. If you are attending in-person, please remember to bring your facemask to wear when you are moving through the restaurant. Please do not attend in-person if you have been exposed to COVID or generally aren't feeling well. We want to keep everyone safe, healthy, and happy.
Rotary Virtual Food Drive![]() EXTENDED THROUGH THE END OF FEBRUARY Our Rotary District (5650) is joining with the District 5630 in Western Nebraska for a Virtual Food Drive supporting Food Bank for the Heartland. Food insecurity is such a problem right now - not only because of the weather, but because of the pandemic. This project will benefit families throughout Nebraska and western Iowa. Double your impact! Our District is matching donations up to $12,000. Click here to donate or read more below.
Weekly Program-Feb 2Our speaker from our meeting on February 2nd was Stephanie Olson, CEO of the Set Me Free Project. We heard about this great amazing project based here in the Omaha since 2015; their mission is to bring preventative education to youth and families to stop trafficking before it starts. Find out more on their website at https://www.setmefreeproject.net/. Continue reading to read a follow up from Stephanie.
Supporting RYLA 2021![]() With RYLA being cancelled last year, we will support a student to attend this year's Rotary Youth Leadership Award camp. This year's event will be May 7-9 at Camp Fontanelle in Nickerson Nebraska. Find out more at https://rotarydistrict5650.org/sitepage/ryla
Meeting Online Through at least Jan 5![]() We will be meeting online only through at least the January 5th, 2021 meeting. Sign into Club Runner to get the link or if you interested in visiting our club, please send me an email to get the link. We have had club members who have recently contracted COVID 19 and with the current state of the epidemic feel that meeting online is the responsible thing to do. No meeting on Dec 29. Take care - and stay safe. 😷
Project Wee Care 2020![]() We're going to help with Project Wee Care again this year. However, due to COVID restrictions, we will be limited to cash donations. We'll still adopt a family with at least four children and we'll have their information shortly. If you want to give, use PayPal.me or venmo to ErinOberhauser - with the friends and family option - to send your donation. The money raised will be used to purchase gift cards for the families in need. UPDATE: we have raised $450 which will sponsor 'gifts' for six children. If you have any other donations, please make them this week. |
Weekly Program - Dec 15![]() We will combine our annual meeting with some fun and games for an on-line Holiday party. Don't miss it - you may get elected as something!
Weekly Program - Dec 1 US Senior Open Championship![]() The 41st US Senior Open Championship will be coming to Omaha Country Club in July 2021. Colleen Fink will be coming to our club on Dec 1 to talk about tickets, hospitality packages and volunteer opportunities associated with the event. This was last held in Omaha in 2013 and was a great success, and Omaha Country Club is excited to bring it back for next year.
Weekly Program - Jan 5 - Climate ChangeTracy Stanko from the Citizens' Climate Education group will talk about Climate Change on how it is impacting Nebraska and what you can do to help. [CCE is a non-partisan organization, so the focus is on respectful conversation and citizen cooperation. (Just like Rotary!)] Read more for Tracy's information on how to get more information and get involved.
Weekly Program - Oct 20 - NE Humane Society![]() Kathy Roum was a guest at our Top Golf event, but if you didn't know, she is also the Vice President of Development for the Nebraska Humane Society. NHS has undergone a lot of changes the last two years - from a new building to working with animals during COVID. Bring your pet pictures and join us!
Weekly Program - Nov 3 - Even more Restaurant Tour of Omaha![]() Mark Sanford knows his food! At the Oct 6th meeting, he showed up with a list of over 60 of his favorite restaurants. We got through less than 5 of them, so we have asked him back for an encore presentation. If you want to find a new place to eat, be sure to join us for this meeting.
Weekly Program - Oct 6 - Restaurant Tour of Omaha![]() We will have a tour of the restaurants of Omaha by our own Mark Sanford at the October 6th meeting. We have heard him describe some of the great places to eat, and it made us so hungry, we're going to make an entire meeting out of it. Be sure to join us either live or on Zoom.
Inclusion Training![]() Rotary is also about Leadership Development and we have the option to be a part of a unique program for Inclusion training. The courses are free and are on live online on Thursday nights from October 22nd and go through November 12. You can join for any or all of them. Find out more by reading the full story
TopGolf a Hit! |
TopGolf a Hit!Did we miss you at Top Golf? We had 15 members and guests attend and had a great time. |
B-Cycle OfferFrom Fiona Kennedy - our speaker at the September 15th meeting: Everyone in the Rotary Club can get a free FUN! Pass (our 24 hour membership) if they use the promocode ROTARY when signing up for a FUN! Pass on our website or the BCycle App. You can find station locations on the website and app as well.
Weekly Program: September 1st - DG Roxy Orr![]() District Governor Roxy Orr will be visiting our club for her official visit on September 1. Our Area Governor Rob Simmons will be joining us as well. The Goals for this year include introducing Rotary Strategic Priorities, creating greater diversity in our clubs, and help clubs connect with each other. |
Building a Stronger Club - Health Check![]() Building a Stronger Club is this year's focus on our 3rd Tuesdays. We start the process by looking at your satisfaction in Rotary. Are you getting value out of your membership? What can we do better as a club? Please take this Survey and let us know your responses. |
Creating a Stronger Club - Week 1Part of creating a stronger club is to know what is going on and how to contact people. Our best resource is our Club's website. Our goals for week one: 1) Can you log into the website and 2) do you have the Club Runner app on your phone? Read more if you need details. |
District 5650 Virtual Conference 2020 |
Goals for 2020![]() At our club assembly on June 16, we had a club assembly where we reviewed the past year and looked ahead for goal setting. We did not get our additional net new members this year, but we hit it out of the park with our smaller, “Draw for a Cause” service projects.
I announced my goals for the club: the big ones are to Assess & Develop our club, Make new members feel welcome and have direction, and have some hands-on service projects. Continue reading for more details - plus a hint of things to come. |
Register for Beyond Golf Event![]() The Fifth Tuesday Social will now be at Beyond Golf. This will also be the changing of the guard meeting, so you won't want to miss it. Register is needed for this meeting - click here to register.
In-Person Meetings ResumeWe can finally have IN PERSON meetings again. Vincenzo's Party Room is set up for social distancing, so it will look a little different, but it will still be our normal meeting from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM. See you there.
Rotary's Role in Battling CoronavirusFrom a letter from RI President Mark Maloney: The COVID-19 coronavirus is affecting every aspect of our lives in real time, and this puts Rotarians in an unfamiliar place. As People of Action, we are most comfortable when we are fully engaged in the world – moving freely, meeting openly, and offering helping hands. These are very difficult times for people who, like us, are at our best when we are learning, growing, and serving—together. ... We are dealing with this situation in real time. Please visit the rotary.org COVID-19 response page for ongoing updates. UPDATE: 3/18/2020: the convention in Hawaii has been cancelled. |
Change is GOODWe are now known as the Omaha Rotary Night Club! Our meeting time has also changed, we now meet the first, third, and fifth Tuesdays of the month at 5:30 pm. Starting April 2, 2019, we will be meeting at Vincenzo's, 15701 Pacific St. We're still awesome, so please come visit us anytime!
Fine Wine Event Raises Suicide Awareness and $50,000![]() ![]() During past events, speakers would share their stories and the positive outcome that came from reaching out to the hotline. However, this year Mark Adler, Superintendent at Ralston Public schools, and his wife Joni shared how their world shattered after they lost their teen son Reid, to suicide. The couple spoke of their heart-breaking experience in hopes to show the audience how crucial sources, like the Hotline, are to teens. “I think our focus this year was much more about how the Hotline works in the community with suicide prevention,” said Ginny Gohr, Director, Boys Town National Hotline. The Boys Town National Hotline is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with approximately 70 crisis counselors helping those who reach out to them. “In 2016, we answered over 144,000 calls and almost 35,000 emails, chats and texts,” said Ginny. All 525 who were in attendance at the event and sponsors, played a crucial role in helping the National Hotline continue to make an impact throughout the community. Guests had the opportunity to participate in several activities that ranged from wine tastings, to bidding on items in a silent or live auction such as: an Omaha restaurant tour, tickets to Katy Perry, and two tickets behind home plate to all of the College World Series 2018 sessions. Through these fun-filled activities and evening, Boys Town was able to raise $50,000 with everyone’s generous contributions. The money that was raised at the event will help the Boys Town National Hotline reach across a wider audience to offer their services. “[The money will] help us promote our text service on social media and help us go out to schools in our community and present about suicide prevention,” Ginny said. Thank you to all the kind-hearted people who have helped the Boys Town National Hotline continue to save lives and spread suicide awareness, every action matters. |
No Meeting on October 10, 2017We are sorry for any inconvenience, but we will not be holding our regular club meeting on October 10, 2017. If you would like to see us, please come to our wine event on October 12, 2017. We promise, all of our smiling faces will be there!
No Meeting 10/10/2017We are sorry for any inconvenience, but we will not be holding our regular club meeting on October 10, 2017. If you would like to see us, please come to our wine event on October 12, 2017. We promise, all of our smiling faces will be there!
Spotlight on Other Rotary ClubsOnce you join the Southwest Omaha Rotary Night Club, you are invited and encouraged to attend other club meetings and activities, not only in our district, but in the entire world! You can find club meeting locations in any part of the world by clicking here. Click here to see the activities of clubs in Rotary District 5650 (southeast Nebraska and southwest Iowa). Omaha Metro Club Meeting Information: Bellevue Papillion - Mondays at noon - DJ's Dugout - 10308 S. 23rd St., Bellevue, NE Council Bluffs Centennial - 1st Wed 7AM HyVee - 1745 Madison Ave.; 3rd Wed - floating event (no meeting other weeks ) Council Bluffs Noon - Thursdays at noon - The Center - 714 S. Main St., Council Bluffs, IA Omaha Downtown - Wednesdays at noon - The Field Club of Omaha - 3615 Woolworth Ave., Omaha, NE Omaha Millard - Mondays at noon - The German American Society - 3717 S. 120th St., Omaha, NE Omaha Morning - Tuesdays at 7:00 am - Happy Hollow Country Club - 1701 S. 105th St., Omaha, NE Omaha North - Mondays at noon - Eppley Airfield Conference Center - 4501 Abbott Dr., Omaha, NE Omaha Northwest - Tuesdays at noon - Jerico's - 11732 W. Dodge Rd., Omaha, NE Omaha Suburban - Thursdays at noon - Anthony's - 7220 F St., Omaha, NE Omaha West - Fridays at noon - Champions Run - 13800 Eagle Run Dr., Omaha, NE |
10th Annual Fine Wine & Hors d'Oeuvres Tasting10th Annual Fine Wine and Hors d' Oeuvres Tasting with Live & Silent Auctions October 4, 2018 A View on State 13467 State St. Omaha, NE 68142 6:00 pm We hope you will consider these opportunities for business recognition and advertising in support of Boys Town, one of the most respected charitable organizations in the nation.Super Hero Sponsorship - $2,500 Includes 20 event tickets with two reserved tables; lunch at and a tour of the Hotline offices Hero Sponsorship - $1,000 Includes 10 event tickets with one reserved table; lunch at and a tour of the Hotline offices Guardian Sponsorship - $500 Includes four event tickets; lunch at and a tour of the Hotline offices Friend Sponsorship - $250 Includes two event tickets Over the past nine years, the Southwest Omaha Rotary Night Club has hosted Fine Wine and Hors d’ Oeuvres tastings benefiting the Boys Town National Hotline® which SAVES CHILDREN AND HEALS FAMILIES across the country. With your past help, they have raised over $300,000.00! In 2017, the Hotline received 181,631 contacts, answering over 151,000 Calls and responding to nearly 30,000 Web-Based Contacts (emails, chats, texts, etc.). Hotline counselors assisted almost 27,000 individuals who said they were having suicidal thoughts and PREVENTED 430 potential suicides. And, KIDS and TEENS share their challenges on the Hotline's website, yourlifeyourvoice.org. 24/7, year round, the Hotline is there to help! This year our goal is to give the Hotline at least $60,000 to aid in the promotion of the “Your Life, Your Voice” campaign. Posters, banners, wallet cards and magnets will be distributed locally and nationally to as many schools as possible. In addition, money raised will allow the new texting service for teens to be available more hours each day. We cannot do this without your help! We would like to thank you in advance for your continued support of the Boys Town National Hotline. Click the button above to register and pay online or click here for a printable form to pay by check. For questions or further information, please contact: Erin Oberhauser Event Chair 402-677-1883 Bob Giddings Development Officer, Boys Town National Hotline 402-515-1198 Bob.Giddings@boystown.org Sponsored by: ![]() ![]() |
Final Chance for Advance Tickets!9th Annual Fine Wine and Hors d' Oeuvres Tasting with Live & Silent Auctions October 12, 2017 A View on State 13467 State St. Omaha, NE 68142 6:00 pm Online registration will close at 10:00 am, Thursday, October 12, 2017. We will have tickets available for purchase at the door. WOWT's always entertaining, Brian Mastre, will be our Master of Ceremonies for the evening; and, former NY Giants Offensive Lineman, Chris Bober, will be our auctioneer (don't worry, he won't physically force you to bid!). Don't miss out on:
Come prepared to laugh out loud and have a ball while donating to a great cause! For questions or further information, please contact: Erin Oberhauser Event Chair 402-677-1883 Bob Giddings Development Officer, Boys Town National Hotline 402-515-1198 Bob.Giddings@boystown.org Sponsored by: ![]() |
First Quarter Toiletry Drive![]() Our first-quarter community service is to support the Open Door Mission. Please bring any of these items to the regular club meetings through March 31st, or contact Kristi Lyons to arrange drop-off/pick-up.
Hotel products are great!
7th Annual Fine Wine and Hors d' Oeuvres TastingThe Southwest Omaha Rotary Night Club hosted its 7th Annual Fine Wine and Hors d' Oeuvers Tasting and Live & Silent Auctions benefiting the Boys Town National Hotline on October 8, 2015. We are proud to say we raised $51,500! This event donation will allow the Hotline to:
Boys Town National Hotline Receives $50,000!
The Southwest Omaha Rotary Night Club Wine Tasting Fundraisers have raised more than $150,000 over the past five years, including $50,000 from our 2014 event that was held October 9, 2014 at Indian Creek Golf Club. We had great auction items, fabulous food, wine and entertainment this year, all continuing to benefit the amazing work done at the Boys Town National Hotline, especially as they celebrate their 25th anniversary. In 2013, the Boys Town National Hotline answered over 115,000 calls and responded to 36,000 web-based contacts (e-mails, chats, texts, etc.). Of these 151,000 contacts, over 18,000 dealt with suicidal thoughts and 632 involved individuals who were in the actual act of suicide.
This annual fundraising event for the Boys Town National Hotline has allowed the Hotline to:
We would like to thank each and every one of you who helped us make this year's event the most successful yet! See you all next year!
Governor Heineman to Visit September 2nd![]() Nebraska's Governor, Dave Heineman, will be our Guest of Honor on Tuesday, September 2nd, 5:15 pm at the Millard Plaza Ballroom. We invite all Rotarians and non-Rotarians to attend! Please click here to e-mail your RSVP!
2nd Annual Golf Outing![]() 2nd Annual Golf Outing
Thursday, May 8th
11:30 AM Indian Creek Golf Course, 3825 N. 202nd Street, Omaha, NE 68130
Zambia Project - HELP WANTED!![]() The Zambia project is dedicated to sustainable assistance that will have a lasting effect on the rural poor of Zambia.
The Zambia Committee is offering the experience of a lifetime. Those of us who have been working in Zambia the past few years are unable to travel to Zambia this year. Thus, we are assembling a team who will visit the projects including the water and agricultural projects as well as work with individuals who weigh and measure children for the nutritional project. Health professionals, agriculturists, business persons and folks with organizational skills are needed, but anyone with interest helping helping a group of wonderful folks who live in poverty are welcome. As an added benefit, you will have the opportunity to visit one of the top natural wonders of the world, Victoria Falls and take a safari to Chobe National Park in Botswana. Zambia and Botswana are very safe and the weather is pleasant. We are suggesting that the trip occur this summer and would take around 10 days including travel. Other side trip options such as Cape Town, South Africa are available.
If you have any interest at all, please contact me by phone or by e-mail. I will also be available at the District Conference for you to see photos of our projects and to discuss this great opportunity.
Charles Erickson MD FAAP
cerickson3@neb.rr.com 7208 Sugar Creek Circle
Lincoln, Ne
Phone 402-420-3088
District Assembly![]() The District Assembly (Club Leadership Training) and Grants Managment Seminar will be April 5, 2014. All club members are encouraged to attend. Click here for registration information.
Fine Wine and Hors d'oeuvres Tasting and Live/Silent Auction![]() FINE WINE and HORS d'OEUVRES TASTING with Opportunities for business recognition and advertising with one of the most respectful charitable organizations in the nation. The Southwest Omaha Rotary Night Club Wine Tasting Fundraisers have raised more than $69, 000 over the past four years: Attendance has grown from 120 guests in 2009 to 425 guests in 2012. Last year’s auction featured almost 100 silent auction items and 13 exciting live auction packages. We look forward to even more great auction items, fabulous food, wine and entertainment this year that will all continue to benefit the amazing work done at the Boys Town National Hotline ®. Thank you for your sponsorship! Your generosity is greatly appreciated by everyone at the Boys Town National Hotline and the Southwest Omaha Rotary Night Club. In 2012, the Boys Town National Hotline answered over 117,000 calls and responded to 30,000 web-based contacts (emails, chats, texts, etc.). Of these 147,000 contacts, almost 15,000 dealt with suicidal thoughts and 450 involved individuals who were in the actual act of suicide. This annual fundraising event for the Boys Town National Hotline has allowed the Hotline to: |
We Swept the District Awards Ceremony!![]() |
Innagural Golf Outing![]() GOLF IS STILL ON! THERE MAY BE A DELAYED START DUE TO WEATHER. CALL BRIAN at 402-672-6945 or ERIN at 402-677-1883 FOR UPDATES. Click here to register online. A Special Invitation The Game Plan About Oak Hills
Monday, June 24, 2013 $500.00 $400.00 $100.00 Contact
We Support The Purple Wagon![]() ![]() |
Upcoming Events and Training, "At-A-Glance" |
Rotaract is Back in Omaha! |
Rotary International Convention, Lisbon Portugal![]()
Excellent Response to Wine Tasting![]() $30,000!!!
Thank you to those of you who attended, sponsored and/or supported our fundraiser for the Boys Town National Hotline! We were able to give them $30,000! This will help our friends at the Boys Town National Hotline get the word out about themselves and continue to save lives in our community and our country!
India is No Longer Polio Endemic!![]()
Rotarians around the world, including us, have given great effort to the END POLIO NOW Campaign and we are 99.9% there!
Fines? No Way! They're FUNDRAISING ENHANCERS!![]()
Traditional Rotary clubs fine their members for certain actions - not us, we simply collect to enhance our fundraising!
Zone 28 Rotary Coordinator Newsletter![]() You are encouraged to read these valuable ideas that you can incorporate into your communications with your District and Club leaders.
Rotary Clubs Worldwide Meet $200 Million Fundraising Challenge for Polio Eradication |
Change in Dues Payments |
$24,000 Donated to the Boys Town National Hotline![]()
During a wine tasting event, held on October 20th, the Southwest Omaha Rotary Night Club raised $24,000 to donate! See what the folks at the Hotline had to say.
We've Been Chosen for the Associate Member Pilot Program!![]()
Rotary International received over thirteen hundred (1300) applications, with a maximum of 200 clubs being able to participate in each pilot. We made the cut!
Do You Like Us? |
Who Do We Help?![]() We have donated thousands of dollars and countless hours of service to help those both locally and internationally. Click to see our accopmlishments! You will be impressed.
Salute to Military Service Men and Women |