** Update - Mimi Rogers passed away on October 15, 2024. **
We have learned that one of our club's charter members Mimi Rogers-Farkas has ALS. Mimi was a member of our club from 2009 to 2014 and has moved to Texas. There is a go-fund-me page (link) to help her pay for her care. Continue reading for more about Mimi. As Mark Sanford says, "The smile on her face is so Mimi!"
If you have anything you'd like to share - we have enabled comments on this page.

My caregiving costs range from $170 to $238 daily. Additionally, a private caregiver who costs $300 per week. There are also bills for transportation to and from hospital. My husband is unable to work due to his kidney failure and diabetes. So any amount donated is beneficial and greatly appreciated.