The way to get more out of your Rotary membership is to get involved. A new brochure from Rotary is all about Designing Your Rotary Experience (download it here - or click on the Read More link for some headlines. Talk with other club members and share your interest and ideas. With a small club, we can all take an active role in shaping what our club does and making sure you get the most out of your Rotary Experience.
Ways to get invovled
Make Connections!
- Attend Club meetings and events
- Create a My Rotary Account for access to online tools and learning
- Attend District meetings and events - our District is 5650 - and the website is rotarydistrict5650.org. Events for the district and other clubs are listed on the calendar.
- Visit another club - - you are welcome to attend any Rotary meeting any where in the world - or even across town. Use the Find a Club tool if you aren't sure where to go
Participate in Meaningful Service
- Be involved with our club projects
- You can also volunteer with other Rotary club's too!
- Participate in Rotary Youth Leadership Awards - see rotarydistrict5650.org/SitePage/ryla
Become a leader
- Share ideas with the club
- Explore Leadership Courses in the learning center including professional development topics like resolving conflict, public speaking and more.
- Give a speech at a club meeting - contact our program chair to get on the list.
- Lead your club - find out what committees we have and volunteer for those that interest you.
- Lead your district - after you've explored the club level, help out at the District level as a committee chair or in other areas.
Expand your Perspective
- Peform acts of kindness
- Welcome a Youth Exchange Student - we are always looking for host families in the District.
- Connect with Toastmasters
- Explore other cultures through Rotary
So, how will you get involved? Download the full brochure to find out more about these topics and more!