A corporate membership allows Rotary clubs to involve a corporation — or any business, nonprofit, or government entity — in Rotary by offering an alternative membership package to some of its employees. Having corporate members increases the club’s membership while expanding its network and visibility in the community. Members gain access to the fellowship and service opportunities of Rotary with the possibility of a much smaller time commitment.
The Rotary Club of Omaha Night offers a corporate membership program for businesses, professional practices, government entities, and educational institutions. The corporate member will be an active, dues-paying member of the club and Rotary International.
- Qualifications. The employees of any business are eligible for corporate membership in the Rotary Club of Omaha Night.
- Members. Subject to the approval of the club’s board, these organizations may designate one Primary Corporate Member, and up to four (4) alternate members, who must be employed by same as Primary Corporate Member.
- Attendance. Attendance and participation requirements of the club may be met by any of the members. All members (primary and alternates) are entitled to attend any regular meetings of the club, or any other Rotary club as determined by the club.
- Fees. Fees for the corporation are $700.00 per year, paid quarterly.
- RI registration. Primary Corporate Members for whom RI dues have been paid are registered as active members in Rotary’s database. They will be listed as official members of the club and noted in the roster as Primary Corporate Members of the named business. Alternate corporate members for whom RI dues have not been paid are not listed on the club roster in Rotary’s International’s database; however, they will be listed as Corporate Members in the Club’s database and included in all official club communications.
- Votes and quorum. For the purpose of general meetings and club matters, the Primary Corporate Member is eligible to vote. Since the corporation has one primary member that is reported as an active, RI dues-paying member, it will have only one vote which will be made by the designee attending the meeting at which the vote is taken.
- Holding office. Any RI dues-paying member listed in Rotary’s database, which includes the Primary Corporate Member, is eligible to hold office. Alternates who do not pay RI dues are not eligible.
- Alternate Members. Any alternate member of the organization is eligible to upgrade their membership to Active Member status, including voting rights and the ability to hold office. Upon that change, they will be required to pay pro-rated individual dues as outlined in the Club Bylaws.